
New Beginnings

Oh, finally - some time to blog about whatever I want to! Health, fitness, food, music-like endeavors...anything!

And that's what this blog is going to be about. Right now I'm reading a book entitled The 21 Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell. I'll be blogging about each law and what I think about it.

Then I'm a Beachbody Coach (if you don't know now you do), and I'm going to be posting about my challenges, fitness and food, new products, anything really. I lost 65 pounds by doing P90X and eating right, so Beachbody is going to be a part of this blog as well - it's important to me, so that's that :).

I'll also be posting about whatever - weird news, anything! If people give me a suggestion that I find interesting enough, I will!

...and I'll give props and attention to other blogs/people that I find worthy of  your blogging views. In fact, I have one right now - my wife, Amy. She has recently made a facebook fan page for her baking endeavors (which I think are pretty flipppin' cool), and she has a blog entitled "A Slice of My Life..." - look her blog up!

Well, off to the vet to get Ellie some shots for Kennel cough - be back soon to hopefully read another chapter about some Laws of Leadership that I find really interesting.
