
My Why Realized

For the longest time within helping people through Beachbody I struggled with my Why. The Why is the reason(s) why you joined the Beachbody Team. I was so focused on the wrong things it finally took some deep thinking and the help of friends/mentors (Dr. Paul, I'm tagging you... :D) to really nail it:

My Why is simple: I want time with my wife. I want a life that I can build a family and that I can provide for my future children. I want to stick around on this rock called Earth long enough to enjoy time with my loved ones and . I want to go on vacations with my future family once a year, be outdoors, go on new adventures and see the sights. I want to be stress-free. I want it all, and share it all.

In January 2011 I realized that I needed to get in better shape for myself and for Amy. I didn't want my familial line of heart issues to creep up on me due to my collegiate diet (pizza, pop, beer, etc). I finally dug deep and worked hard......I mean, HARD. I watched what I ate, worked out everyday, and kept working at it. I drank Shakeology half-way through as a meal supplement (breakfast for me), and my energy shot up cah-razy! In the end of my fitness challenge from January 2011 to July 2011, I went from 225 pounds to 165 pounds, and I've kept it off.

My job as a person is to better others. Through Beachbody if I can help others shift their reality to what they want, it's a win. If I can motivate others to achieve their goals, then I feel fulfilled. I love quotes, I love to inspire others to grab their goals, and whatever I can do to help if through Beachbody, Shakeology, or just my stubborn positivity, then that's what it will be. I do make some money through selling products/programs, but it's not about that. It's about my Why. I want to help people and if people are willing to hear me out, I can possibly be that "Aha" moment that will start your goals, whatever they might be.

The thing is, my wants and my Why; they will come true. My desires for myself and Amy will come true because I'm determined enough not to let anything get in my way and I will succeed at my aspirations.

Enough said. That's all. The great thing about Life is that once you refuse to let anything get in your way of your goals, obstacles become opportunities.

Now to cuddle with my pup, read a little bit, and enjoy the rest of my night.

Dream Big - don't let anything stand in your way. Keep positive, and always know that if you want it bad enough your goals will become reality.