
Valentine's Day Lesson

 The Universe has a funny way of teaching lessons...

Just recently got news that I didn't want to hear, and at first I was very upset; frustrated, confused, out-of-sorts. It usually wouldn't have bothered me so much, but it did because it is a part of one of my passions: Music.

All the hard work and "Everything-that-I-gave"-ness seemed worthless and for nothing.

I fought back and forth trying to micro-manage thoughts - "Ok, what could I have done different?", "Did I screw up something I shouldn't have?", etc...etc...

Then, I stopped mid-thought and asked myself, "What did I learn from this?"''

I read a ton of self-help, motivational books, time management and other various subjects of that field and now was the time to put those words to the test.

Looking at the package that I picked up on the way in the house, I kept thinking that thought...

...what did I learn from this?...

...and it came to me when I opened up the package - a book that I received entitled The Big Picture.

No one knows why things happen to them, varying of goods and bads - it's all a part of the Big Picture. All along the way you can either A) try to figure it all out, back track, outline, and get really frustrated in the process, or choose the other route:

B) Enjoy every moment as it happens, and move on.

Looking back at the past week, I had some awesome experiences, met some fantastic people, and especially some that I look forward into growing great friendships with.

Anytime an experience comes your way that totally knocks the breath out of you, ask yourself:
"What did I learn from this?" - dwell on the good times, great people, and fantastic things you learned from it, and keep moving onto your next goal.

Who knows? Maybe the bigger, better thing was in the way of the current project you wanted to be a part of now - no one can see into the future.

Enjoy the Now - and appreciate it.