
Be the Light

Become the Light that you are meant to be.

Sometimes it is difficult to be the light when dark things, thoughts, and emotions are around. The people that are continually "seeing the silver lining" can easily upset and aggravate those that are stuck in the bottom 3 (yup, mentioned it again, will post about it soon).

The feeling of being the Light I can only describe as this:

Being fully in the Moment, unattached to emotions and egoic form of wants/needs, and fully being there for others when they need you to be there.

Being in a full-service-loving-mode I suppose is another way to view it.

When you are unconditionally there for others, unassuming, not wanting anything in return, you can begin to feel your Love-Light grow. It will affect others, and people will seem to want to be around you simply because they feel better when they do.

It's because you are fully accepting who you are, where you've been, the lessons you've learned, taking all of the good, bad and ugly and knowing those moments were simply moments that passed, and letting all of those materialistic things move through you. You are not attached to them anymore because they do not serve you.

If you feel that you are fully letting that light grow within you and feel at times it is being taken from you, I can help show you techniques that I've learned that has made it easier for me to still be the Light among those that are only seeing the gray (bottom 3). There is nothing wrong with those that are the Bottom 3, they just need to learn and evolve in mind/body/voice in their own time and understanding.

Have a great Christmas holiday with friends, family and loved ones that are here in physical or spiritual form.
