
Inspiration: How to Be

Sometimes we find ourselves having an all-star day, nothing can stop us, we are unbreakable....

...then we crack at a place inside of ourselves that seems as if can not be patched...

We halter; stop dead in our tracks. One foot in front of the other seems to be impossible, because the shock is so solidifying to us.

...ever felt that way? I think we all have in various forms along our journey. You can take the path in the road that is well-worn, well-traveled, and has numerous travelers on it currently passing by you. It has the sign "Why Me?" at the entrance and also along the path, the signs of "Why Me?" reminding those individuals that they deserved the pain and you should feel guilty about it.

There is another path: not well walked, kind of rough. Looks treacherous. You don't see alot of people on it, and you get slightly scared just looking at the sign that simply says, "This way to learn the Lesson". Along this path the trail gets easy, but has its pitfalls. Nothing is guaranteed. Along the way though, signs keep reminding you to "Be Grateful", "You can Do This", "One step at a time", etc. You keep walking this path, and the learning suddenly comes from within. You don't look for the signs anymore because there aren't any. The signs dissapear and at first you're frightened, but then a sense of calm washes over and you realize you had the will inside, all along, to get through the path. Even though the trail stays rocky, you become aware of where to step because you stop looking for help. You help yourself and start going faster, faster through the trail.

You arrive at the end of this trail, and one sign stands alone:

"Be Here Now"

I look for inspiration all the time, on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc, and sometimes I do see it. Othertimes though, I just see the depressing images of fear that the world would like us to focus on.

Sometimes poeple ask me how I do it - stay positive all of the time. Thing is, things happen to me that could be labeled as "Bad", or "Crappy", but I choose not to allow those words and labels to become a part of my vocabulary to the situation at hand.

Situations are merely situations - we label and define them as such. They become a part of our reality and it affects how we act throughout our day. We reflect this emotion on others, and to those that can't sense it it attaches to them as well. Become aware of emotions as temporary things and be aware of right NOW - the beauty of it all.

If you desperately need inspiration, embody the emotion of being inspirational and inspire someone. The reflection of gratitude back to you will fuel you back up again. Let the fuel carry you through the dark days in order to fully celebrate the light ones.

Without the Dark we cannot fully appreciate and celebrate the Light.
