
Falling From the Sky

We live in a time where emotions are connected to many things, whether it be a TV program, a politician, a smartphone, or maybe a point of view/opinion.

We involve and intertwine our egos within these things/ideas so much so that when we find ourselves in situations when our emotions run rampant there is a neat trick I like to do; I use it on a daily basis.

I Fall from the Sky... The current situation you are in you remove yourself from the situation and become the one observing yourself. Remove emotions, connections, labels, etc. Picture the situation as it is and imagine yourself just fell from the sky. You have no identifications with people, thoughts, etc - you are simply observing the situation for what it is with no ego attached.

When we get locked into our egos and our processes, we rarely take the time to consider all aspects around us. Because let's face it, when someone isn't fully up to speed on how we operate within our minds we could very well find ourselves perturbed for no apparent reason.'s because we are identifying and emotionally charging our egos to be right, in control, all knowing of the situation.

Take a moment and Fall from the Sky today. I even encourage daily Sky Fallings for a healthy perspective on Life.
