
Bucket Lists....

(This post idea comes from my mother, so thank you mom for the suggestion!)

When good friends know each other for a while the topic of Bucket Lists might pop up.

"What do you have on your bucket list?" They say. Travel plans, extreme sports, purchases, etc fill up the list. Although we have great intentions for bucket lists, sometimes we miss the mark due to the fact that we could live each moment becoming aware of our own "Well Wishes" (coined by mom, so all copyrights are hers).

Well wishes I feel give great love in each moment. Whether you live in Italy (and yes, I am slightly jealous/envious of you), or you are located in a small town in the midwest, or your apartment in a bustling big city is your dwelling, you can make every moment something extremely special.

Some people say that it is difficult to be happy with how the world is, how things are going, how people treat them, how etc, etc, etc.

...little do we know how we perceive the world is what we define as reality; there very well could be a happier outlook, but we choose sadness instead. It is my belief that we attach emotions to items/things/people and it affects what we do/say/think/etc.

Now I'm not saying to live a healthy, vibrant life is to become callous and cold to all and everything around you. I am conveying that you can look at all of your surroundings in loving awareness yet at the same moment be non-attached to it. Energy and events can move in and through you, the energies around you moving and swirling around you instead of holding things inside.

If you think of Emotion, it is truly Energy-in-Motion. If we hold in our emtions and not fully feel them and let them pass, we become congested and aggitated (or the occasional emotional blow-up can occur).

Take your Bucket List and list out the emotions connected with them: Joy, Excitement, Scary, Adventurous, etc. Tie those emotions with every moment/thought/action you do in a day you live, and enjoy them fully...without attachment.

Life fully in each moment, respect and appreciate the love, and be mindful and aware that it will never occur again, until the next NOW-moment...which occurs simultaneously.

Aren't you glad your Bucket List is already complete?
