
Divine Synchronicity

Definition by Merriam-Webster:

-- The coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung

Are the connections that occur in our day to day adventures something simply 'coincidental' or are they something more?

If you don't know me personally, let me say proudly: I believe Syncronicity is the Divine knocking on our physical door, letting us know we are connected way much more than we think.

My journal is jam-packed with multiple occurrences of syncronicity, and I'm very glad the Divine chooses to show me the way on a day-to-day basis. I'm not boasting that I have X-amount of signs more than you, because there was a time I didn't believe in the way of those happenings being more than simply coincidental.

To have Divine Syncronicities come to you is actually very simple, yet the hardest to accept: that they exist. If you choose not to have the magical happenings really tickle your metaphysical fancy, then they will not be there in your awareness. They still exist, but not to your perception of Life. If you choose to see the Divine in everyday things (nature, people, places, symbols, music, words, etc), make that intention.

I had to choose a certain way that I receive Divine Syncronicity, and it was tough to whittle it down (because at heart I'm very ooo-shiny in my endeavors, simply ask my wife).

  • Choose a goal in which you desire success in
  • Set a positive intention (with future-based language) how to be shown signs along the way
  • Be aware of the Divine Syncronicities that will appear
  • Journal them when they happen (time, place, what specifically, etc)
  • Be Patient and Trust the Process

I emphasize "Trust the Process" step because sometimes the signs don't show up right away...hence the Patience Key. We live in a world of Instant, but at times we must learn the lesson the Divine is trying to convey is given to us one step at a time. If you try to rush and take the shortcut you might get to the goal faster, but the Journey will not be as memorable and bless-filled as you desire, causing a sense of being done but also unfulfilled.

Make it a great day :)
