
2. The Humorous Heart

When I chose #2 for my top 10 of 30, I thought of all the changes and shifting that occurred throughout my job journey - the good, the bad, the don't-even-mention-its.

When I apprached the challenges in my life, I always took the route of Humor.

I know that some might look upon that as being naieve, childish, and always looking through rose-colored glasses, but isn't life too short to always look at it stressfully?

We have a tendency as humans to point out the negative and never take the chance of innocence, laugh it off, and go into the situations/challenges full throttle with Love.

I still walk through challenges filled with a Humorous Heart, knowing that in the end all I can do is laugh it off and still take a step. At times I get down on stress, the world seems dark...then those moments my angels and guides step in, either taking form of musical lyrics, beautiful nature symbolism, or people saying and coaching the right things to me.

There is always a support system of humorous love - just be aware and it will keep you humble.
