
30 years of life....only 10 things learned?!?

A great mentor told me (words through a trusted friend) told me recently within the past few months to write down the 10 things I've learned so far in my 30 years of life. Boy, talk about something that I had issues with writing down!

If you know me well enough (and if you don't just find some of my friends, they'll tell you), it was crazy difficult to write only 10 Things down. Then when I decided on what they were, finding the right words to say and putting those words down on paper, digitally, and sticking to them? Geesh.

It took a while (longer than expected), but I finally wrote them down. I'd like to share them one at a time, not all in a row so maybe they will simmer a bit in your mind how I view things (which is different than the norm, believe me).

Beginning February 8th, I'll share my first lesson I've learned, also explaining my reasoning behind the meaning of the Lesson. It seems when you have words put down on a page, whether physically or digitally, the meaning becomes clearer (or at least the person's view of it). Hopefully by going into some detail why I put it on my list will give me more meaning.

...or not. That's the pill you'll have to take. All of our perceptions of how someone types/blogs/texts are different - hence the beauty of Facebook, emails, setting up a time with me to chat or a coaching session to delve more into's all about the relationships we have with people making it through this thing we call "Life" around here.

Stay safe and warm, have a cup of coffee on me, and make it great today.

(in the meanwhile, create your own lists of lessons - I would love to read your thoughts, comments, etc!)
