
8. Life Is...

People sometimes tell me that I'm too happy, or that it seems that nothing phases me. The observation that I'm happy all of the time is actually not true. There are good days and bad, but it is in how we define it to be shifts our perception of our lives, creating our reality in that moment.

8 - Life is neither good or bad, it simply is. We define and co-create what our day will bring to us. Those things we manifest for ourselves is of our intention and also from the Divine. Things that come to us not of our intention/creation is the Divine teaching us a lesson in which our necessary approach is Love

I used to be a person that had such a short fuse (ask anyone in my family or my wife, they will agree). Things that would "go wrong" in my day would affect me so dramatically, my reactions needing the full attention of my "audience" (peers, adults, teachers, friends). It was so tiring to get through the day.

I realized something in my mid 20's - the drama was not needed. There was no calling for it. The more I would strive for the attention the more tired I was.

I was putting so much personal energy into not going with the natural flow my outlook on life was kind of dreary - I was fighting the current.

When I let go of the bank, letting the stress of day-to-day squabbles go into the natural flow of the day, I became so calm. Things would still not go my way, but I could easily laugh it off and continue on what I could get done.

This is what I learned for myself:
When you let go and realize that your life is in co-creation, life is simply what it is. There is no good or bad - we define those terms. Yes, I choose the path of positivity and good, but when things go wrong I don't dwell on the definintion of bad or good. I tell myself that things simply are what they are.

The Divine above has the final say in what the outcome will be, and knowing that I can rely on that spiritual guidance gives me comfort when things are not going my way at all.

Let go and enjoy the current flow of life.
