
The Eddy in Life

Lately I've come to realize what the symbol of yin-yang means truly to me.

I don't claim to know everything. In fact, I do know that I know completely nothing in the entirety of Life. Life is a big subject to know, right?

The symbol of yin-yang has always interested me, trying to really know the meaning of the symbol. In this endeavor of knowing I've become aware to the fact that we as humans yearn/have a drive to make a meaning out of everything we come in contact with. We are meaning-making machines.

This symbol encapsulates the balance of chaos and conrtrol: fire/water, summer/winer, good/evil, etc.

What has become a revelation to me recently is that we as humans are so busy in trying to balance everything we swing the metaphorical pendulum too far, whether into diving deep into our calm non-moving (yin) selves or the energetic over-the-top (yang) part of our Self.

I would like to pose an interesting view/approach about this symbol: instead of trying to balnace both areas, perhaps one could become aware and try to balance on the fine line. The art of walking the line between both yin and yang. True awareness that there is light and dark within us, well-knowing that at any moment one can be good or bad.

We are meaning-making machines, but become aware of how you are making and creating meaning. This important life that has been experienced so far in your current awareness...make every moment count. We get so caught up in trivial things, stressors, things that we deem as important.

Take note of what is truly important - the present moment and how you are feeling, how you are moving through your reality you perceive. Take a break from time to time, relaxing in the calm, still eddy of yin and move energetically in the dance of yang.

Perception of the fine line between the yin and yang of life - make that understanding your focus and what you deem as "problems" in life won't really hold much weight for you.

How else are you supposed to find "flow"?
