
The Dimensional Life

Thinking of things lately I've wrapped my head (or at least attempted) to understand the Dimensional Life.

We live in a 3 dimensional life, X Y and Z. We understand depth of things.

Now if you can imagine a balloon and push it through the 2d life (cartoons), they would see a sunrise of sorts, 2 widening lines, then a sunset of sorts into nothing.

Now take your current life (mine is 15 days past 33 years of human measured life as age, 8:21 AM CST).

Take that very small slice of life and imagine it as a portion of a balloon.

Imagine your Sunrise (Birth) and Sunset (Death), all portions of your balloon. Once this balloon is gone, it's gone.

Now imagine whatever troubles have been happening in your current slice of life, your Life Balloon. Compare it to the many other slices that you have encountered (Sunrise to Now) and those you have yet to experience (Now to your eternal Sunset). much do your current troubles in life weigh you down?

If only we weren't tethered to our measurements of time, our yearning to make structure and order out of timeless chaos would we potentially become aware of the 4th dimension above the measurement of time.

When you have your troubles and issues, your stories you currnetly define as "...well, I am this way because of (insert story or series of stories here)", become aware of your Life Balloon.

Use the finite amount of time you receive in your one life (that you are currently aware of) to simply appreciate the things around you.

The troubles, blessings, issues, joys, complainings of others, aha moments, friendly and unfriendly encounters, traffic jams, sips of enjoyable drink whether wine or coffee, warmth of the sun or brisk snap of the cold remind you they are simply experiences, things.

We define them, we make meaning of these moments. Meaning can be a good thing, or it can become something that tethers you to re-live and attempt to re-create things that are no longer re-liveable/creatable.

Would you like to get hung up in the small details, or simply let these things pass?

Become Dimensional
