
inner voice

Inner Voice Argument

Recently I got back from a vacation from Estes Park & Fort Collins Colorado.

I kept telling close friends beforehand that I had a feeling something big was going to happen, and to ensure this I meditated every day and night, kept my physical and spiritual eyes open, looking for lessons and whispers of how I am supposed to continue on my journey. is one of the lessons I learned.

To preface this story, I must say part of my coaching work I help people become aware of Body Hints and how to read them. Our bodies speak to us in various degrees of health and if we are aware at what our body is letting us know (not agreeing with certain foods, body pain and what it is symbolizing, etc)

The first day in Estes Park we enjoyed the pool/hot tub that was there - it was a blast! I obviously am the type to jump on in without pause (compared to the toe-in-water-to-test-temperature-type). When underwater I swam around a bit and when I came back up I was met with extreme swimmer's ear. It was annoying, as it usuallly is, and thought nothing of it at the time. I've had swimmer's ear before and it's typically goes away after a while.

Well, it didn't. It kept blocking my hearing throughout Estes Park, and into Fort Collins. I was ticked.

I kept wondering why my ears didn't pop already: I used Q-tips, my finger (which I know is not the best method), and vigorously shaking my head.

A few days left in Fort Collins I decided to focus my meditation on my ears and why they still weren't opening me so I could hear better. I began asking questions to myself such as: "What is it I'm not listening to?" "Do I not listen enough to myself?" "Is my inner voice needing me to block out outer sounds in order for me to hear what it's saying?"

...suddenly I had a huge realization, and thanked my body for letting it manifest in the form of swimmer's ear. The lesson I learned was to really listen in to the inner voice and what it was saying. (Yes, I know I'm not saying it outloud, but I did get the lesson I needed for myself - please feel free to message me and I can further clarify what was heard)

Once I gave thanks to the lesson I received and began to follow my inner voice more clearly my left ear began opening up, later that night through a different method of cleaning out the ear did the right ear open as well. The following morning both ears became clear and I haven't had an issue with it since.

Our bodies are amazing things. They can regulate temperature, fight off sicknesses, and heal. Our senses, organs, nerves and processes are things only that can be explained by the Divine Love (whether you call it God, Buddha, etc is your definition). Our bodies have a way of letting us know if something is going on within Metaphysically. Our biographical actions can determine/manifest biological outcomes. We must be vigilant and peacefully aware that these symptoms are really our bodies telling us what we need to do in order to achieve balance again. Most imbalances occur from some expression of non-love toward ourselves.

Tune in - listen up. Only through loving thouhts, actions and words can true healing occur in all of us.
