

The "Oooh Shiny" Factors

A good friend of mine is very "oooh shiny" she likes to call it, so I tip my metaphorical hat in respect for her in the title :).

There are so many things in this world today that try to detract your attention from what you want to get done. Whether it's a simple task of doing the dishes/laundry or more complex like figuring out a budget, planning events, house construction, etc.

Where the distraction comes from is everywhere; TV, Internet Radio Ads, Phone interruption and most importantly our own dialogue in our heads. Dramaa runs rampant in the ego's focus, and when our ego wins our attention it's always going to be drama/unhealhily self-centered in nature. We tell ourselves it's too hard, more planning must be done, certifications must be attained in order to be a master at it, why try, blah, blah, blah...

We must stay vigilant in the present moment, for the present moment is the one thing that keeps the ego in check. The ego can't deal with the present moment because it lives in the depression of the past and the anxiety of the future.

Planning is essential to many things, but we get lost and absorbed in it. We let past events (good or bad) affect now-based decisions, and thinking of the multiple outcomes gives us migraines/anxiety.

Let the ego go through a breath in the NOW. Enjoy the area around you and realize that right now, this very moment, is all you'll ever have. Instead of fear ruling the realization, invite love into focus and you'll see your current situation anew; brighter and with more clarity than you've ever thought about.

Life never waits for you - it is all going right NOW.


When is it time to begin?

When is the time to begin? We all say, "Well, I'm trying to..." "When I have time to..." "Let's plan that..."

Recently I had a small awakening within, because I myself like to plan. I like to plan events, plan workouts, plan things but never really get around to it.

Do you ever plan for something and it rarely goes according "to plan"? Do you get frustrated because of what you set up really didn't go the way you wanted?

We have to let to of the notion that we are in complete control - we can fight it, sure, but that only leads to stress and pent up energy spent in the wrong time. We can't bring back the past, nor can we truly plan according to what we call our "future". The only time we can have the full attention to appreciate is right NOW.

So, according to my "plans", I must let go of complete control, live by the Divine Love gifted to me, and instead of going and creating a plan, how about just go and create?

...sounds more fun when you ponder it, huh? :)
