
Total Freedom: 1 Step

I sometimes laugh outloud when I see the "101 ways to" fill in the blank, or the "14 simple steps in order to", etc.

I see total freedom as a way of being completely free. Whether the stress comes in the form of relationship, business, financial, etc, this simple step can really give you the freedom you need and really deserve.

Life happens through your observation of it. Think about that for a moment. Moments in life happen, whether it being of our control or not. Through our perspective of what we call "life" happens to us at an astouding rate of speed and what we observe. Some things just can't be the way we want them to turn out. That's truth. We easily fall into an egoic pit of stress when we continually try to control everything. When we 'want' a certain thing it is usually for a materialistic goal of attaining a certain 'standard of living' or status to aspire to. These are not bad, but we can easily make them so if we become attached to things.

The energy that flows in and around us on a daily moment-to-moment basis is a beautiful thing. If you become still enough you can feel it (and some can even see it in various forms). You can't really see wind of itself but you can feel it, see it move various things, etc.

Take the energy that is going all around you today and know that you have the opportunity to intuitively access this energy if you choose to.

"But how can I get total freedom?" you say.

Take a long, deep, wellness-filled breath. In that moment of non-thinking and purely being, there you have it.

We choose to hold onto things whether physical, mental or emotional. It is our decision to either hold onto the energy these various things in our lives give us, or to use the energy and let it go. Share this energy. Know that everything is always in motion, change is always constant.

Enjoy the NOW-freedom today :)
