
Claiming your Power: Removal of the Dog-Ears in Life

A really good friend of mine chatted with me last night and relayed a message that she was given and felt it necessary to share it with me as well.

Boy, did it come at a good time! It's great to have friends and those we care about that share the same frequency of thought/belief, because they become our support system, our network of Love.

If you are an avid reader like myself, you might find yourself at times all full in the head with too many things. Quotes, books, articles, things to do, etc. We have our bookshelves and our mental "bookshelves" as well, trying to organize and make sense of it all.

Take today and go through your books on the shelf and books in your inner self and remove the bookmarks, dog ears, and pieces of paper that are holding in all that information. I completely understand when you want to fully understand something you have to take information in order to become more learned about the topic/subject.

There comes a point, I believe, that our ego still drives us to keep consuming more and more books when really our true self/body/heart is telling us "You have the knowledge. Put it to work. Trust your inner guidance."

It is difficult to quiet the voice of the ego by listening to your body, but it is possible. And think of all of the bookmarks and dog-ears you'll clear up in the process :)

When you create the space that you truly desire the things you are striving for will begin to manifest for you. Put forth the effort, know that keeping a loving attitude will fuel you right, make the space, and get ready for the magic to happen!
