
The Dark Night Moments: using FEAR as our guide

I won't go into much detail, but maybe you've heard of The Dark Night of the Soul. Some say it is a sense of being lost that you've never heard of, a feeling of emptiness that cannot seem to be fulfilled/taken care of.

You might be going through an event (or a series of them) that this Dark Night of the Soul somewhat pertains to you. When I find myself entering a dark time, I use the method called FEAR (not my own; thank you to Pema Chodron and her audio CD Walking the Walk).

If you fully take on Fear it might be easier to get through (or at least find a way of moving through the emotion more fully/thoroughly). F stands for Feel. Fully Feel the emotion that you are feeling. Let it really take you over and make sure you are objectively looking at it. Next, Embody the emotion (the more difficult steps to take with emotion). Let the emotion fill you up and fill every pore, knowing that you can then Allow it to move through you. Too many times we let the emotion stick around a certain Chakric center (I can explain my views on Chakras and how they speak through our Body Hints for a later time). These centers hold in the energy, manifesting a body reaction. Holding in tears can hurt the throat, eyes, and even gut. Not to quote a disney film we have all heard this track from, but we must "Let it Go" and move through us.

Finally we must realize and Recall that we are not alone in our feeling that we are currently feeling. Others have gone through this same feeling. We are truly not alone in our emotions.

I know I tell my family/friends/clients no one can truly tell you how to feel when you are down and out (nor should we tell others how to feel; it's not even our body!). The key is you must realize and heal within. We truly can move past emotions and trials that come our way if we let the emotions be as they truly are; emotions. I know I've either posted this before or said it somewhere, but if we let the Energy-in-Motion (Emotion) stay within our bodies, we feel pressure and try to hold it all in before it truly makes us implode.

Let the emotions flow through using F.E.A.R as you guide.

"Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth." -Pema Chodron-
