
Identifying your Animal Guides

I have to admit, animal guides/totems are a funny thing, and I'm glad I came across this belief. It's a fun way to learn more about yourself and your tendencies, and if you're not a metaphysical fan of animal guides, please know I am not here to influence you to change your beliefs; simply an interesting way of finding yourself if you choose this path.

When you put out the intention that you want to work with your animal guides/totems, you are making the first step into realizing the magic of life and lessons around you. Becoming aware of how much animals are a part of our path(s) can be very entertaining, whether we are speaking metaphorically (slow as a snail, weaseling yourself out of a deal, busy as a bee, crocodile tears, put the cart before the horse, etc) or literally to our animals, our animal-friends have lessons to teach and ways to reveal about our personality if we are open enough to listen to them.

If you are wanting to connect with your animal guides (because it is of my belief we have many), set your intention to meet them. Don't be upset if you don't get smacked in the face by a bird, or suddenly a mystical/outlandish creature shows up in your backyard. We have been programmed to be unconscious of the magic and life around us. When we were children we were open to the possibilities, but as we grew "older" (because I believe it's a state of mind to be actually 'old') we are told that those things are silly, not worth it, etc. We have to de-program our awareness to become with our true Self again. Meditation during this process helps a ton.

Once your intention is set, make yourself open to the signs/symbols around you. Take in all opportunities in order to narrow down what animal is attempting to show up. Is your creature land, water, air based? What sounds do you hear or symbols do you see? Journal all that you take in, because sometimes we forget the subtle hints our animal friends are showing up as.

Once you have a pretty good idea what it is, honor them. Have pictures on your person, desktop, or if you are willing to do so wear jewelry or a totem of them with you to remind yourself of their presence.

My main animal came very consistantly and still to this day shows up every once in a while to remind my stubborn self (and doubting self sometimes) that they are here to help and guide my life. Next post I will share my journey of how I met my current main animal guide, and how it has helped me understand tendencies and how I have gained strength in my daily actions/thoughts/words.

~Open yourself up to the possibility and love of animals around you~
