
Spirit Animal Totems...wait, what?

As a holistic coach I make it a point to study and read about various beliefs, activities, perspectives on issues, etc - I really like learning new things everyday.

Lately (within the few last months or so) I've studied and learned about Animal Guides/Totems. At first I didn't know how to approach this topic, since I had no information going into guides or totems. I always enjoyed animals and the characteristics of them, sometimes mirroring qualities within others. I even remember from time to time when I played (and still do sometimes) the game of "ok, if you were an animal what would you be and why?".

I think it all starts from that. Wondering what animal has qualities similar to you, or qualities that are uncannily appearing due to certain circumstances at your Now-given moment.

To each their own, but I enjoy reading up about animal spirit guides. It takes us back to native american studies, shamanic studies, and other areas that are very much spiritiual/religious in nature. Nature can teach us a lot about ourselves if we are open to the possible magical experience nature and animals can give us.

I am going to share what I have learned and what I believe within animal guides. If you don't feel it's something you jive with, simply don't read on. If you want to just learn about something different and new, please continue

All of us have energy centers throughout our bodies, what I call the chakric centers (Chakras). They all have corresponding colors and representations along with each center. I've read lately about animal guides being associciate with each energy center, that you have one main guide, multiple guides, etc. It can be a bit overwhelming at times. I'm simply going to have this introductory post about animal totems coming into your life (and will have multiple posts in the future sharing what I've found/read/meditated on my journey to help you on yours).

A huge resource that I came across is Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews. It's a really nice and big collection of animal guides, what they symbolize, and how to become aware of their guidance. I've also done the very typical "asking the google gods" for help, and great friends who work with animal guides as their journey.

Find a quiet space this week every day for 5 minutes and simply breathe. If thoughts bombard your mind, feel that feeling, and move through the thoughts: come back to the breath. Sometimes I listen to my heartbeat to keep the tempo of breathing in and out. Set an intention of wanting to become aware of your animal guide. If you don't get a smack-dab-answer-in-your-face awesome moment, that's ok. The process is a long one. I can confidently say I haven't finished my journey (and the fun thing is we never do...we simply enjoy each step everyday). If you begin throughout your week to see a certain animal, jot it down. A journal is a great tool to keep all of your thoughts on paper so you don't get caught up in trying to keep it all in your head.

I will continue to post about animal guides, and post mp3's of meditation music (guided by myself or others) that help me. If you want more information about animal guides, I would be glad to chat about what I know and who I know to help you on your Journey.

~Use your guides to learn more about yourself~
