
When I lay me down to sleep...

I know of some people that really have tough times falling asleep, and every once in a while I do too.

When I find myself reminded of the things I need to do the next day, the reminders I have to not forget, and all of the other "check marks" I need to make on my grocery list of to-dos I easily find myself super busy on the brain, unable to feel tired before bed.

Ask yourself, "what is it I need to accomplish tomorrow?"...and write it all down on a piece of paper. Yeah, a digital to-do app could do, but there is something about writing it down on a piece of paper with pen/pencil that makes it really concrete and out of your system. Once you have your things written down, you relax your brain so you don't have to worry about "holding on" to that information.

Also, what time are you getting yourself to bed? We all need from 6-8 hours as an average, but if you need to add some more fuel, get to bed earlier.

We as a society are brain-washed into thinking that we need to accomplish more in our time that is given in that 24-hour chunk. How about enjoying the hours you have, making the best quality rather than quantity of hours to productively make something of worth and value?

I understand we all have those things in our daily to-dos we don't want to do or that we don't look forward to, but if you enjoy the present moment within all you do you can actually find peace in everything you have to accomplish, whether you love doing it or you have to do it.

~De-stress your mind and your body by putting down your thoughts in a journal. They will be there when you wake.

~Plan out your workouts/meals/etc ahead of time so when you have to encounter it you don't have to think and just grab and go

~Go through a relaxation exercise when you are laying down. With every breath relax a new part of the body, beginning from the very bottom of your feet. Incrementally work your way up. Toes, feet, ankle, calves, etc. Go all of the way until the top of your head (I usually don't get to that point because I'm asleep by then!)

Enjoy your day, make every moment of it, and let it go at the end of it when resting ~ your body will thank you for it with great sleep and a renewed vigor the next day.
