
What's the Rush?

It seems as if our society is in a adrenaline-rushed outlook, trying to cram as many things as possible to get done in a 24-hour day.

I do understand the topic of efficiency of time, but there comes a point that we must ask ourselves "What's the Rush?"

Do we really need the newest, fastest, most app-filled piece of technology? There will be a newer one in aobut 1-2 years, so the addiction toils on.

Here's some questions I ask of myself to bring myself back into awareness of NOW-ness:

--When was the last time you took the time to respect the simplicity and beauty of what is around you?

--Who is someone you recently helped or were helped by? Have you given them a humble and heartfelt thank you?

--When was the last time you stopped what you were doing altogether and taken a walk amongst nature? Smelled the scent of a part/forest/field?

--Take the next moment you have and do something great and helpful for someone else. Ask them how their day is and listen. Don't just settle for the "fine".

In our world we are fed from those that think that if we stuff as much stuff that we can accomplish in our 24-hour day we can make the most efficient quanitity-use of our time.

....then where does the quality-use of our time come from?

We are missing out on the real picture, the NOW-picture. Take this moment and realize "What's the Rush?"

...we create The Rush ourselves.

Enjoy now and make the most quality-use of your time, right now. It's the only chunk of time you have true awareness of and co-creation of. Use it wisely and lovingly.
