
5. See-Its vs. Believe-Its

And now for something completely different....

Now #5 of my top ten actually ties directly into what happened just this morning.

5: "It is difficult to do, but the transformation of "See it to then believe it" to "Believe it then I see it" is a hard, soul-searching, extremely rewarding process"

I still at times find my initial 'See-It' side overrule my 'Believe It' side when approaching magical and miraculous moments on my day-to-day adventures. It takes a while for us to turn the dial and commit to believing in the unknown and unseen so we feel protected and safe in the moments where things are all going wrong or off in life.

Sometimes it takes a spiritual push from the past or something that was once created at a younger age to wake us up from our adult-like sleepyness. We as children were immersed in imagination; whatever we thought of in our minds was. We could play games and shapeshift our reality so easily: branches into broadswords, grass and carpet into a evil pool of lava, and rocks were gold (or magic bullets...yeah, I was out there...still am!).

Just this morning I was going through a binder that I originally made in middle school/high school. All of my creative projects, I was looking for a set of stories that I was planning on editing and sending to a writing group I'm a part of.

In the back of the binder was an article entitled "If Mozart wrote humor...". A post-it note (not in my handwriting, probably my mother or someone) said "This is for Brandon".

After reading it (and I'll spare the space with all of the synchronicities), it really answered a ton of stuff that I've been personally working on with holism and spirituality.

Needless to say throughout my life my ego-driven need for the 'See-It' things gets smacked upside the head, frying-pan style.

...still grateful for the bruises :)
