

Time to go Streaking

Yup, thought I would get your attention with that title...

I always thought I would be a therapist or psychiatrist, being very interested in the goings on in the mind. I'm very blessed to have chosen the path I'm on now because it has given me a sense of clarity and focus I can only dream about defining fully to others.

I attended a meeting at Omaha Metaphysical Network (OMN) led by Psychic Andy Meyers, and the topics of current events were being discussed. The inidividuals around me were talking about the news, what was going on, and the discussion took the feeling of angst and uncertainty within world topics/news/etc. Along the conversational-way a sudden switch occurred. Suddenly an odd topic bubbled up talking about streakers during sports/public events. Our discussion went from topics of unrest to talk of people streaking during events, fun/crazy days we spent having fun, etc. I was very attentive during the discussion but when the "streaking" topic jumped in it made me think about society today and how we are such "in need" of high and fast amounts of stimulation. ~~I really enjoyed the OMN (Omaha Metaphysical Network) meeting and have been to classes/readings of my own; I highly suggest if you want to mee with very approachable individuals in a comfortable setting contact the people at the Center for Intuitive Advancement ( and inquire; feel free to use my name in how you found out about the opportunity~~

Our world used to be (in 2000) a 12 second attention span kind of world. In only 15 years we are now at 8.25 seconds ( It has always interested me in how and why we are becoming so flighty in our focus (even though I do know why).

With the negativity running rampant on the news, doomsday is just around the corner, dreams can't ever become true nowadays, we need to do some streaking within our lives. Break up the pattern of normalcy and complacency within your journey in order to make a fresh path. Shake it up, change it up, do something different, meet new people, try new things, go different routes, etc.

We make each decision, every moment, in love or fear. We seem to be comfortable with the norm, not wanting to venture out in the unknown: it scares us. The circle we create is safe, but only in a sense surviving. In order for growth, for change, we must go out into the scary unknown with love as our guide. Take a new step towards your goals, make new ways of looking and understanding your world, and spiritually push the envelope (or heck, lick it too, it's fun).

Take today, or this very moment, to try something new. Change it up. Go Spiritually Streak in a new conversation/adventure. Why not change it up? You will never know how things can be better unless you try.

