

Eyes on the Trail

Amy and I got back recently from our 5 year anniversary trip from Estes Park/Fort Collins, Colorado and it was a blast!

I kept telling close friends that I had a feeling something big was going to happen, and to ensure this I meditated every day and night, kept my physical and spiritual eyes open, looking for lessons and whispers of how I am supposed to continue on my journey.

I'm glad to say I got quite a few messages back :)

We hiked one day starting out at 5AM...yup. That early. I was extremely tired getting going even though at heart I'm an early bird. We got to the beginning of the Emerald Lake hike around 5:30/5:45 and it was still quite sun-less at the time. Thoroughout the hike I kept my eyes to the trail to make sure I was stepping in the right direction, but I really wanted to stop and look around at the majestic mountains around. I felt pushed by the trail pack to keep going, don't stop, keep walking, etc.

It was great along this hike because this early everyone is still quite tired and within their own thoughts - I sure was.

I thought to myself, "Why am I not stopping and seeing the beauty around me? Who is really making myself push forward and keep with the pack?"

I began veering away from the pack and making stops along the way, taking pictures with my phone but also with my eyes. Eye-pictures are the best. If you don't know what I mean watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty; you'll know what I mean after watching that flick.

In the moments we took to stop and look the initial reaction out of most of us was silence--it was great. To take in that much natural beauty I stop in revered silence and respect out of how gorgeous it was.

We in life need to keep on the path, on the journey of what we are deciding to do. Taking the right steps, making the right connections, moving the right way for us, eating the right way, speaking lovingly to ourselves and others, etc.

...but if we don't take the time to stop and look at the progress we've done, how beautiful life is around us, we miss the big picture. We miss what is really important and right in front of us because we are so focused on the "path" we need to follow, the "trail" we need to keep on.

So stop and look around; you'll be amazed if you really take the time and breathe in the beauty around you.


Time to go Streaking

Yup, thought I would get your attention with that title...

I always thought I would be a therapist or psychiatrist, being very interested in the goings on in the mind. I'm very blessed to have chosen the path I'm on now because it has given me a sense of clarity and focus I can only dream about defining fully to others.

I attended a meeting at Omaha Metaphysical Network (OMN) led by Psychic Andy Meyers, and the topics of current events were being discussed. The inidividuals around me were talking about the news, what was going on, and the discussion took the feeling of angst and uncertainty within world topics/news/etc. Along the conversational-way a sudden switch occurred. Suddenly an odd topic bubbled up talking about streakers during sports/public events. Our discussion went from topics of unrest to talk of people streaking during events, fun/crazy days we spent having fun, etc. I was very attentive during the discussion but when the "streaking" topic jumped in it made me think about society today and how we are such "in need" of high and fast amounts of stimulation. ~~I really enjoyed the OMN (Omaha Metaphysical Network) meeting and have been to classes/readings of my own; I highly suggest if you want to mee with very approachable individuals in a comfortable setting contact the people at the Center for Intuitive Advancement ( and inquire; feel free to use my name in how you found out about the opportunity~~

Our world used to be (in 2000) a 12 second attention span kind of world. In only 15 years we are now at 8.25 seconds ( It has always interested me in how and why we are becoming so flighty in our focus (even though I do know why).

With the negativity running rampant on the news, doomsday is just around the corner, dreams can't ever become true nowadays, we need to do some streaking within our lives. Break up the pattern of normalcy and complacency within your journey in order to make a fresh path. Shake it up, change it up, do something different, meet new people, try new things, go different routes, etc.

We make each decision, every moment, in love or fear. We seem to be comfortable with the norm, not wanting to venture out in the unknown: it scares us. The circle we create is safe, but only in a sense surviving. In order for growth, for change, we must go out into the scary unknown with love as our guide. Take a new step towards your goals, make new ways of looking and understanding your world, and spiritually push the envelope (or heck, lick it too, it's fun).

Take today, or this very moment, to try something new. Change it up. Go Spiritually Streak in a new conversation/adventure. Why not change it up? You will never know how things can be better unless you try.



Where our True Passion Lies and how to work towards Passionate Success

When I talk to people about finding their dream job, I first ask "What are you really passionate about?"

Usually they would respond with a great answer, but it trails a certain "I shouldn't say this" kind of tone. They've been conditioned to believe that their dreams are only just that.

Held by fear, sustained by "Reality". Here's Reality. What's your Passion? What drives you? If you would wake up one day and realize that you would get paid to do your Passion on a day to day basis how would you feel? Imagine a day in the life of your Dream Job.

The trick of turning that Dream Job into Reality Job is to set a plan. Like I heard once in a seminar (I apologize for not remembering who said this): "A Dream without a Plan is a Wish".

Set a plan. What's your Goal? Work from Z-A, not A-Z. Set the title of what you want in Life, and work the steps backward. Then look at step A and begin. Now. Make little steps so later you will look back and realize you've made great advancements with daily success as your motivation.

If you need help forming a plan, myself as a Life/Wellness Coach can guide you to solutions for your personal and professional goals. I'm only a comment/email/message away.

So how do you work towards Passionate Success? First, set up your plan. Then, actually do it. Don't "Try"
...Well, I'm trying to get this, or trying to achieve that, etc. Just start doing it. If you make a mistake, so what? You're not the only person in this world who has made a mistake.

Start today. Start Now.


Seeking for Meaning

Looking for your Purpose? Reading up on books, listening to audio, talking to others and getting their thoughts, etc?

Don't get me wrong; those are avenues  you can take and there are a multitude of material out there to tap into. about this...
(I'll be quoting some quotes but I didn't find the person who summarized these things)

When you wake up and you don't find yourself excited to pick up where you left your work yesterday, you probably haven't found your calling.

Remember to keep your dreams in the forefront of your mind - visualization is crucial to goal achieving. Your Dreams express what your soul is telling you, so as crazy as it may seem -- listen to what your Dreams are telling you.

Find your passion and Grow into it - spend 15-20 minutes a day working/reading/growing into it. Since time is our non-refundable currency in this world, you might as well allocate it to your passion; squeeze the most out of that time you have to give.

Position or Choice: What are you going to do?

Watched a fantastic video this morning by Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last.

A great talk (and if you make the time to watch) and great takeaways if you have a pen/paper (which you need to do):

Talking about chemicals that drive ourselves in this world in this video, the one that really stands out is oxytocin: the feelings of safety, trust, and love. We get throse through physical contact (hugging, shaking of hands) or acts of generosity does not work as true Generosity...

It's our Time and Energy that matter: the one form of currency that once we spend it, we can't get a refund.

I do not have the Title of Fitness/Life Coach for the enjoyment of "Position". That's crap.

I Choose to be a Fitness/Life Coach because I want to give my time and energy to those that want to change their lives through working out and eating right. I Choose to help others achieve what they think is unachievable.

Believe me, if you let yourself be vulnerable with me, we can achieve great things. All you need to do is start taking steps rather than always "planning" steps to get where you want to go.

Planning is nice; action is desperately needed to turn Dreams into Deadlines.