

Where our True Passion Lies and how to work towards Passionate Success

When I talk to people about finding their dream job, I first ask "What are you really passionate about?"

Usually they would respond with a great answer, but it trails a certain "I shouldn't say this" kind of tone. They've been conditioned to believe that their dreams are only just that.

Held by fear, sustained by "Reality". Here's Reality. What's your Passion? What drives you? If you would wake up one day and realize that you would get paid to do your Passion on a day to day basis how would you feel? Imagine a day in the life of your Dream Job.

The trick of turning that Dream Job into Reality Job is to set a plan. Like I heard once in a seminar (I apologize for not remembering who said this): "A Dream without a Plan is a Wish".

Set a plan. What's your Goal? Work from Z-A, not A-Z. Set the title of what you want in Life, and work the steps backward. Then look at step A and begin. Now. Make little steps so later you will look back and realize you've made great advancements with daily success as your motivation.

If you need help forming a plan, myself as a Life/Wellness Coach can guide you to solutions for your personal and professional goals. I'm only a comment/email/message away.

So how do you work towards Passionate Success? First, set up your plan. Then, actually do it. Don't "Try"
...Well, I'm trying to get this, or trying to achieve that, etc. Just start doing it. If you make a mistake, so what? You're not the only person in this world who has made a mistake.

Start today. Start Now.


Play willing to Push it?

Everyday is a Physical/Mental/Spiritual challenge to workout and make the time for my Fitness.

Some days are easier to hit that Play Button, and other days when Life happens it gets really really tempting to avoid that Play button for later, sometimes never (until tomorrow, next few days, and the spiral continues) have to ask yourself though, Who are you playing the Button for?

- If for yourself alone, it is not enough.
- If for a certain event in time, it is not enough.
- If for a certain number or achievement of weight/life goals, you are on the right track. reason though, is deciding that Play Button is for someone else. Family, Friends, Spouse/Partner, Loved ones, future Children, etc.

The more you make that Play Button about pushing yourself for more time/energy with loved ones and more experiences with them, those days you want to avoid pushing the Button will call to action the reasons of Why you decided to start in the first place.

~Keep pushing Play~

Seeking for Meaning

Looking for your Purpose? Reading up on books, listening to audio, talking to others and getting their thoughts, etc?

Don't get me wrong; those are avenues  you can take and there are a multitude of material out there to tap into. about this...
(I'll be quoting some quotes but I didn't find the person who summarized these things)

When you wake up and you don't find yourself excited to pick up where you left your work yesterday, you probably haven't found your calling.

Remember to keep your dreams in the forefront of your mind - visualization is crucial to goal achieving. Your Dreams express what your soul is telling you, so as crazy as it may seem -- listen to what your Dreams are telling you.

Find your passion and Grow into it - spend 15-20 minutes a day working/reading/growing into it. Since time is our non-refundable currency in this world, you might as well allocate it to your passion; squeeze the most out of that time you have to give.


People who have titles but don't take the time to develop their skill sets within their profession, are Posers.

Leaders must have that never-ending drive to improve themselves and others otherwise their successes will only be re-played in their imaginations of past achievements.

Leaders can plan for the future, but if they don't live in the Now moment and go at a speed that is inspiring, tiring and motivational to others, they run the danger of driving their persona into the town of Poser-ville.

"A Leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
-John C. Maxwell

It's about Nutrition, not Weight Loss

We've been under the misconception that meal replacement shakes are about weight loss and not about nutrition - I think that Nutrition is key.

I know Fitness is 20% Exercise and 80% Nutrition - I get my nutrition through Shakeology, and I don't care what others say about it (scam, too expensive, don't have the time, not good, blah, blah...) - it helps me with:
Nutrition (get all of my vitamins/minerals for the day)
Curbs the cravings of sweets
Expanding my palate (over 70+ super-nutrient materials from around the world that are great for you).

So, I get all of that in one meal, it takes 5-10 minutes to make, and I feel like a frickin' rockstar after having it. So yes, the money is worth it because I know I'm investing in myself.

The one thing that I truly believe is people need to have a reality check and know that if they aren't feeding the body with the things it really craves (and let me tell you 70% of food products out there are not giving the nutrition your body really needs), I don't care what diet/workout program you're on: you won't achieve your Fitness Goals.

Your Worst Enemy

Your ultimate worst enemy, the one that always gets in your way, stops your dreams, goals, etc., is Doubt and Fear. Namely, parts of you stemmed from your ego.

Those voices inside of your head that puts doubt/fear into a plan that could be great for you. When you have the thought of "That would be a great idea!" "I think this will work", they say, "Are you sure? It will be hard", "It's too tough", "You don't have the time", etc. There is a huge laundry list of things the ego says to stop you from your dreams/goals/aspirations.

Those voices kept me in control until I finally stopped listening to the doubt/fear and started investing in myself: fitness, working out, eating right, and knowing that the results were not coming from a magic pill but a sure-fire process/program that was completed through hard work. I started at 225 pounds, and through the hard work I put in (and continually do), I lost 62 pounds and am in the best shape in my life.

P90X, Shakeology, and always thinking of what I'm going to eat was the way for me. Yeah, the workouts are long, but before my transformation I found myself spending an hour or more playing games, watching tv, etc. I still enjoy those things, but now at a more controlled, less addictive kind of way.

Now that I have the energy/body that I truly appreciate, I find it easier going on long walks with my dog, doing 5k's with my wife, spending more time at home, and overall having that "can-do" attitude - those voices do not control me anymore.

Being a Fitness/Wellness Coach now I enjoy helping those that want to achieve their own fitness goals. Those that tell me that they achieved their goals thanks to my help, motivation, and willingness to push them  is the best feeling. Fitness and Music are my two big passions, and I love every day working with those aspects.

I invite those out there that want to get REAL results to reach out to me by either message, email, or by comments below.
Brandon Shostak is my name - if you Google Search me you'll most likely come across my profiles.

Yes, it's scary to ask for help - but if you really want those results you've been looking for, if you want that energy to keep up with your kids/friends/family, if you want to look in the mirror like I did and when you are finished with a workout/program you say to yourself, "I did it" -- all you need to do is ask.

"You + Choice + Behavior + Habit + Compounded = Goals" - Darren Hardy

Keep pushing Play,
Brandon S.

New Chapters in Development

Hey all -
Just finished Darren Hardy's Book, The Compound Effect. So charged up at the end, I'm ready to tackle the world!

The lessons in this book are pure diamond in value, yet so simple to understand. In the end of the book I was also thinking of my own goals, (Family, Fitness, Music, Work) and it all became clear what I had to do.

Like the book ends, it says the one thing that will get your goal-achieving process in motion: Choice.

Are you going to make the choice to invest in yourself?

I also had a great takeaway about doing the Unexpected/Extraordinary - quoted by Mr. Hardy, "What's popular is average, it's what's common. Common things deliver common results"

In your areas of your life, are you finally going to get going and decide to work on the Extraordinary work it will take to achieve success? I know I'm nowhere near finished, and I hope I never will be finished. It's what makes me push Play everyday; in Family, Fitness, Music, and Work.


Decide today and take ACTION on your goals. If that little seed of doubt creeps in, crush it into the ground, avoid the negative, and plan so your dreams become deadlines.

~Keep pushing Play~
Stakman (Brandon Shostak)


A great tip to a more Happier & Successful Life

Hey all -
Super happy this morning, not only for good sleep, but also thanks to my coffee - love that stuff :)

Just wanted to post this message because it might seem suitable for some people out there.

A while ago I knew something was off, and I just wasn't happy - I now realize what the missing piece was: Gratitude.

If you wake up everyday, take 10 minutes lying in bed, thinking of the people that matter most to you, silently send them some loving thoughts, review 5-10 (or more!) things that you are grateful for, you will be shocked at how your overall outlook/disposition will be.

Below is a video I found through a blog called - great site - various posts about health, yoga, fitness, inspiration, and overall great posts.


I'm all about moving/inspirational videos, and I thought this one just fit the bill - impromptu singing :). 

Now, I know there are some people out there that will immediately say, "Fake!", and I did look into it - Carlos Whittaker has a blog ( if you want to check it out) , writes in a later blog about how he hasn't met up with Danny since that video, and for what it's worth, it's real to me :)

So people, wake up keeping those Gratitudes in check - you'll be amazed at how your outlook will change for the better.

Keep pushing Play - fitness, wellness, dreams :D
