

Your "title" in Life...does it matter?

I love when people have that puppy-dog head tilt when I give my "title" of what I love to do.

It makes me think in that brief moment about how people introduce themselves or others to new people, and the initial response (or shortly thereafter) the line of questions begin: "So, Bob, what do you do for a living?" "Bob, tell me what you do" "Bob, tell me about yourself"

The question immediately goes to a title or role, because I believe we as humans need that identification with form. Teacher, Nurse, Social Worker, Police Officer, Therapist, Coach, these "roles in form" what I like to call gives people understanding of labeling others to remember them by. It's a natural reaction; I ask it of poeple all the time.

We need to stop doing that to ourselves and others.

Instead of asking a new person "So, what do you do?" twist the conversational ice-breaker in a new light: "Bob, what do you like to do for fun?", "What are your interests?" "What do you think of (insert current topic)".

Why not change it up with a new person and really get to know them, rather than playing it "safe" with a role that we really don't have a clear definition for?

So, ask me what I answer will be this: "I help others realize that Fear is a self-created/fueled illusion."

...yeah, I could simply say Holistic Mind/Body/Voice Coach, but if you answer with the positive action you instill in others, that response will reap greater conversational benefit than simply a "title".

Don't give the title that you think you do; respond with the positive action and influence you truly give the world. It's a gift only you can give and it's so important.



Position or Choice: What are you going to do?

Watched a fantastic video this morning by Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last.

A great talk (and if you make the time to watch) and great takeaways if you have a pen/paper (which you need to do):

Talking about chemicals that drive ourselves in this world in this video, the one that really stands out is oxytocin: the feelings of safety, trust, and love. We get throse through physical contact (hugging, shaking of hands) or acts of generosity does not work as true Generosity...

It's our Time and Energy that matter: the one form of currency that once we spend it, we can't get a refund.

I do not have the Title of Fitness/Life Coach for the enjoyment of "Position". That's crap.

I Choose to be a Fitness/Life Coach because I want to give my time and energy to those that want to change their lives through working out and eating right. I Choose to help others achieve what they think is unachievable.

Believe me, if you let yourself be vulnerable with me, we can achieve great things. All you need to do is start taking steps rather than always "planning" steps to get where you want to go.

Planning is nice; action is desperately needed to turn Dreams into Deadlines.

Fueling your body right

Hey all -
Simple post: fuel your body in the right way.

-Stay away from sugar! Things that are labeled "fat-free" usually doesn't help; the sugar is still in there.

If you'd like to read a load of reasons why sugar is not good for you, check out this article: I want to put out there I don't 100%, fully support each statement; take it for what you will. All I know is that we all need to cut down on our sugar intake - it's really addictive, hard to get off the habit, but let me tell you - you will be better for it. Your body will thank you.

Eating right doesn't have to be crunching the numbers, always counting calories/fat/carb/protein/'s bound to make you go insane! Plus if you start that radically rather than having a small, successful approach to it you'll find yourself falling out of it.

Tony Horton puts it as: look at your plate. If your great-great-great-great Grandmother could name the items, you're on your way.

Veggies, fruits, lean proteins (salmon, chicken, fish). It might seem daunting to change your eating habits but there are simple ways to make this food taste great - it just takes some discipline and setting up a plan that will work for you.

My routine is this: Oatmeal/something moderately high in protein for Breakfast, Lunch is usually my Shakeology, Supper is either a salad or something light.

Eat more frequent, less portions. I would say I eat 4-5 meals a day and my energy is through the roof! (Most days without coffee too).

Shakeology is my go-to meal :). It's a meal replacement shake with over 70 natural ingredients from around the world. Super-foods are slung through this rocker of a shake, and the combinations of flavors/recipes you can make are mind-boggling.

So, keep nutrition simple people! Don't overwork yourself in crazy-calorie-counting; I tried it, I went nuts!

Salads, Shakeology, and healthy snacks - I know it works for me, and I like to tell my workout peeps this:

Exercise is spelled - W-O-R-K-O-U-T
Fitness is spelled - N-U-T-R-I-T-I-O-N

20% is how you move/workout, 80% what you eat. 

Keep pushing Play,
Stakman (Brandon S.)