
Message: Call to the Wounded Warrior

You give your service, your word, your everything to your craft. You serve without question, and at times you become wounded for the cause. You don’t mind though, because you are serving a greater good – the Others.

Others don’t know how lucky they have you in their lives: how you stand up for them, how you fight for them. You might even feel a tug at your emotions when the Others go through adversity, because in some sense you have a sympathy for them so strongly you feel as they feel: at your very core.

You rise when you are called to, and head to that Other to serve them. You do/finish your job, head back to your dwelling, and rest for the next day. You prepare to serve another day. The wounds you carry serve as a reminder that you are strong enough to endure the pain of the Others – you have the resolve in order to take the blows, as simple or severe they may be; you still keep pushing.

You are a true Warrior for the Others that desperately need that energy to rely on.

…those wounds scar over and at times inflame again; oddly enough at times the wounds ignite pain when the Others are not in your presence. There is a danger for you, then: you might feel the pain of the Others when there is not a need for it. You might feel that driving force within that calls you to keep your eye on them instead of your own wellbeing. You are a Warrior, right? You can keep pushing beyond the limit of normal people.

…the true danger lies in what is called the Warrior’s Resolve, because where the Resolve stands tall the absence of the Wise Seer is decaying.

The Wise Seer I speak of is actually you. You have it within your own being to take a moment, detach your Resolve from the Others and heal within. Only caring for yourself do you truly heal. No other external source can replenish what you have. If you keep relying on the Warrior’s Resolve, you quickly become the Wounded Warrior.

The Wounded Warrior can easily heal, but the ego-driven Resolve will keep telling you to push on, keep going, serve others, etc. The voices within will keep driving you to ignore that you are truly wounded, even to a point where you can only be a Warrior when there is an Other to serve. You lose the ability serve the one person that is crying out for help: Yourself.

How to heal? It is a simple yet difficult task of awareness. Become aware that you are wounded, that you need healing, and start caring and loving yourself just as you take care and love the Others. Take the necessary steps to become aware of the Wounded Warrior within – then you can transform the Wounded self into the Wise self.

Each of us lies the Warrior and the Seer. Most of the time we choose the Warrior because it looks good on the outside, but beneath our armor there may be the wounds that keep us from being our greatest self. Only by combining the Wisdom of the Seer and the Resolve of the Warrior can we practice balance of the Wise Warrior.
