
Current of Life

Life has a certain flow to it, whether it manifests as opportunities or setbacks. We define these moments as "good" or "bad" - at times we let these moments affect everything in our day one pendulum sway or the other.

We say that we wake on the "wrong" side of the bed, or that one moment affects everything in our day.

Why do we let these things affect the natural flow of the day? We can definitely see others when they are in the "flow" of their day - they seem on top of the world when our own little world is out of whack.

These things/events/moments that happen to our lives simply happen; rarely do we have complete control over our day with the many things that intertwine/interplay with it.

  • We put emotional investments into things - when they break or not do what they were created to do we become frustrated.
  • When another person cuts us off in traffic, bumps into us while we wait in line for coffee, or when the last break room snack is taken we might feel a little tug of upsetedness.

There are many examples in which you can replay moments where you became your emotions due to things in or out of your control, momentarily transforming your day into your emotion-self. We say and do things we regret, the vicious circle continues.

...all along the world continues to revolve, plants/people grow and wither, and all of the things around us continue to just be themselves.

When are we willing to realize that we are not in complete control of the Flow of Life?

At times though the Love-focused goals become violated (Peace, Wellbeing, The Golden Rule, etc). We need to peacefully intervene in order to provide awareness on these goals in order to have Love as the core goal.

People's views might cause frustration do build up in us, but is it our job to force our beliefs on others, to disrupt their Flow?

...could we find peace in the Flow?

...could we be aware of the Flow that happens everywhere around us, whether we can see it or simply feel it?

...could we be more aware and grateful of the lessons Life gives us, even at times when those lessons are not in our interest or cause a moment of friction along our Journey?

...or I guess we can choose to fight the Flow and always be in struggle with the Current of Life.
